Monday, January 21, 2008

It's Cold!

It was very chilly this weekend and this is the weekend I started running now that my ankle has healed. I had to rest it for a month to let the tendonitis heal. I haven't had any really bad pain in about a week or so, so I I gave running a shot again.

My first run was on Saturday. It was an easy 2-mile run in my neighborhood. I had my ankle brace on and made sure I warmed up and stretched properly to avoid injury. I actually did a lot better than I thought I would.

The same for today, too. My time was slightly worse today because of the really cold wind--it is hard on my lungs. My pace both times was a little over 10 minutes. My goal is to eventually run a mile in less than 10 minutes, which I was doing pre-injury. If my ankle cooperates, I could participate in a 5-k this spring.

Kyle said I should wear a ski mask today so I wouldn't have to breath in so much cold air, but I told him I'd look like a robber and people would think I am running away from a place I just robbed. I have a new convertible head band/wrap that I wore that did the trick and I know the PGE people I saw working were jealous I had one. I'll post a picture of it when I have one.

Here are some pictures of my family and me during the holidays:

Kyle and my dad looking at fly fishing stuff.

Me wearing my new silk scarf--practicing for when I go to a Middle Eastern country. I could wear this. Would I fit in? I think it looks good.

Food that goes in the tamales

Christmas tamales cooking.

My parents, sister, and I on New Years Eve.

My sister and me.

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