Saturday, March 8, 2008

Who Stole My Laundry?!

More than Mondays, I hate laundry day, which also falls once a week.

This week I had two times more laundry than usual, so I dreaded it two times more. I don't have a washer nor a dryer at my place, so I have to haul my stuff to the laundry facility provided by the landlords. I have to make sure I grab the right key, have the right amount of quarters, grab the soap and dryer sheets, too. It's not so bad in the spring or summer, but it really sucks in the winter when it is freezing outside or when it seems like it is raining like a tropical storm is coming through.

So, finally, my laundry is done drying and Kyle and I go out to pick it up. Some of our clothes are on top of a dryer when we get there. What the...? We got there right on time. Kyle put those clothes into the hamper while I went to get the other clothes...but they were missing. A whole load of clothes missing! Who would do that? Who would want our clothes?

I came very close to freaking out about this ordeal and then going door to door to see who stole our clothes. Kyle suggested we waited a couple of minutes to see if someone would come back to the laundry room realizing that they had taken the wrong set of clothing from the wrong dryer. Sure enough, a few minutes later, 3 people came in with confused looks on their face and a basket full of OUR clothes. The older women was very apologetic and the guy with her was confused and smelled of alcohol. The guy had gotten the wrong set of clothes. I told the woman that she needs to get a magnet to put on the front of the dryer she is using so her guy friends don't get other people's clothes. She thought that was a pretty good idea--I thought so, too.

I am not too fond of the idea that other people had their mits all over my stuff. Eww. I'm sure it'll be alright.

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