Thursday, January 8, 2009

Winter Mud

Because of all the snowfall, the transit services put down all of this gravel stuff on the roads for traction. The Portland-Metro area is against using salts or de-icing stuff--I think.

Now that all the snow has melted (thank God!), we are left with nasty gravel everyhwere that flies up and hits you as cars pass by. What is even more annoying is that the gravel crates this weird, watery, black, muddy stuff that sticks to one's shoes and tracks onto the carpet. I have been doing spot cleaning at home and work all week. It seems like adults are the best at tracking the stuff in, too.

On a funny note, I saw a guy get put into handcuffs outside of a local coffee shop after he was super defensive towards an office. I think it is humorous because I am sure it is a kid from the local Christian college forgetting to show brotherly love.

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