The movie is about an Israeli counter-terrorist who starts a new life in New York as a hairdresser with the mission to make everyone have silky smooth hair. There are some vulgar and lewd, okay a lot, parts in the movie and is definitely not for the little ones. But the hacky-sack cat, dogs with blue and pink fur, dancing in the street, disco breaks, and the want for equality and peace in the world make the movie worth seeing. I was screaming with laughter in the theater...and so was everyone else.
John Paul DeJoria, Sr. even makes a cameo, along with many celebrities, as Paul Mitchell. DeJoria struggled with homelessness and lived in his car with older son, John Paul II. They would eat with the money Dejoria made by collecting soda cans and redeeming them for money. Dejoria later partnered with his friend, Paul Mitchell, and founded the John Paul Mitchell hair product line, salons, and beauty schools. The real Paul Mitchell died of cancer in the 1980's (not HIV, like many have said in their rumors). The reason I care about Dejoria making a cameo is because I know his son, who assists in running the beauty schools in Oregon. John Paul, Jr. has complimented me on my silky smooth, curly hair many times when he would come in to an office I used to work at. He is very tall and had hair like "Jonny Bravo", the best cartoon ever. He employed one of my friends at church and the DeJorias were always very nice to her and loved her Mexican cuisine.
Anyway, you won't regret watching Zohan. I take that back--you might. I know I definitely want to get the soundtrack.
Like the Zohan, I have silky smooth hair, too! See my new do:
LOVE the new look of the blog!!