Friday, September 26, 2008

Who Knew I Could Look So Bad?

There is this really fun site called YearbookYourself where you upload your picture to see how you would look with different decades of hair-dos. I had to do it after Kate showed me the program!

This one isn't too bad I guess. head looks like it's going to fall off.

This is just a regular pic of me in the morning.

My perm gone bad.


This one looks like it could actually maybe be me back in the 1980's/early 90's. Check out the wicked Lee press-on nail (thumb).

This is how I would look if I was male and a transvestite.

I don't even know what to say abou this one.

No, no, no, no, no.

My impression of Barbara Streisand

Who in the world would ever do this to their hair?

A very strange look for me. My face looks super long.

My hair impression of Jennifer Gray from in Ferris Buhler's Day Off.

Very wholesome, like a bran muffin.

Which is your favorite?



    Those are hilarious!!! I love them. We have to do them for sure. Which is my favorite? I think the barbra streisand one and the fro!


  2. I think the first one suits you most of all the others. But it's a bit out of style and isn't modern today.

  3. Thanks for your comment, Liliann. Good things all of these pictures are fake. ;)
