We arrived at the in-law's with no problem. My sister-in-law also has some friends over from Japan that have been really fun. I have learned a lot of Japanese so far and I guess I have good pronunciation. Who knew?
Yesterday we went to see a hockey game: the Sacramento Kings vs. the Stockton Vikings. The Vikings one. Here are some highlights from the game:
Thunder vs. Kings from fergie on Vimeo.
Today Kyle, our new friends from Japan, Kyle's dad, and I went to Yosemite. It was really snowy. I guess I really like the snow when it is not mine.
Here are some pictures from the last few days:
Click here to look at the pictures individually.
Tomorrow we are going to San Francisco and then whale watching on a boat in Monterrey. I am scared of whale watching, but I guess I have to do it at least once in my life.

love the bear attack!!!!