Monday, April 14, 2008

My Geely and Me

First off, I need a little trunk of sorts for my Geely. I bought this crate for $4. I can zip-tie it perfectly on to the back.

However, it does rain a lot where I live, so I need to weather-proof the cubby. I bought a shower curtain at the same place I bought the crate. The curtain cost $8.

I have rivets and tools to fix them on to whatever material I want, so I put them onto the shower curtain.

The nylon string was buy one get one free, so it was about $2 for a whole roll of it. I used the string to fix the "panels" on to the crate. Ingenious! I still need to make a lid this. I have also made a liner for the inside of the box.

This weekend I zoomed around my neighborhood. The days were nice and sunny, but I had to practice at night, too.

Here I am after my night ride. It was raining so I wore my rain gear that is made for fishermen (I think). I also have on my rain boots. I, of course, wore my Power Ranger helmet with the visor down and my spiffy riding gloves.

I kind of look like a police officer in this picture. I don't know why I think this.

I have that weird thing in my eyes like animals have at night when you see their eyes glow in your headlights. Cool huh? That's what gives me my special powers.

These are my posh riding gloves, which match my helmet.

Here is what Geely looks like in the driver's seat.

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