Monday, May 5, 2008

Scooter Friendly

I am happy to report my little town is scooter friendly.

No one in a car is ever aggressive towards me. A lot of people who are outside walking around wave to me as I pass by. Guys on big motorcycles even wave and I throw up a peace sign to them. People at the store stop by and ask me questions about the scooter and admire it.

This scooter seems to be a popularity-maker. It is kind of weird.

I mounted my little basket to the back of the Geely today so now I am set to carry some larger items. Now I just need to make a scooter pet to hang out in the basket (any suggestions?).

The only downside to the scooter is that when I am at a stop light and I am the only one in the lane, the sensors in the street cannot tell I am there. Therefore, I have to wait until a car pulls up behind me so the light can finally turn green. Today I felt like kicking out the kick stand and running to the cross walk to push the pedestrian button because I had been skipped 3 times by the traffic light.
