Monday, June 23, 2008

Pre and Post-Op Pictures

Here I am before the surgery. I pretty much looked the same afterward. Under the blanket is this thing called a "Bear Hug", which is blanket type of thing that is inflated with hot air. You can see the blue machine to the right of the bed on the floor.

This is my "recovery room" at home. The air mattress is set up downstairs so I don't have to go up and down the stairs.

These are flowers Kyle got me.

These is a bouquet from some friends from Kuwait. This was a nice surprise!

These are some flowers from my neighbor.

This is my shawl from Guatemala I've been using.

Here is my handy tray.

This is the grabby thing I use so I don't have to bend over or reach far.

The purple thing is my aromatic cozy I got as a get-well gift. The pink pillow is my cat's. It is on my bed and Mango sleeps next to me.

Here she is getting cozy.

...sound asleep next to my pillows.

My recovery food.

More recovery food.

My bathroom kit.

My entertainment kit next to my bed.

The handkerchief my mom made me because my meds make me sweat a lot.

WARNING: The next pictures are of my wounded belly and may be considered gross, graphic, and/or offensive. View at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn you.

This is my belly the day after surgery. The smaller thing on the left side is an incision; the bigger is my belly button (where the camera) was. My belly was pumped up with gas so they could look around, that is why my belly button looks so weird. It now seems like it is deflating.

This is my belly button today. Not so full of air. I still have the other little incision and one on my lower stomach.

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