I thought the pain would be going away more by today, but no luck. I feel like I've been stabbed with a dull iron rod through my bellybutton. If I am perfectly still, I feel okay. Otherwise, I feel like I can't get the invisible rod out of my belly.
A really weird thing happened today, too. After taking a shower, I got very nauseous and turned an interesting shade of whitish gray and got dizzy. I promptly went to bed and started to sweat like mad--dripping sweat. The episode only lasted a few minutes, but I have never felt like this before. I don't know why it happened and it has not happened again. Maybe I stood up too fast.
After visiting the doctor's office I had a little lunch and then got my hair cut (just the dry ends trimmed off) by a girl named Holly as part of my "getting well" treatment. I've known Holly for a couple of years and she graduated from beauty school at the beginning of the year. She took a lot of care and did a good job.
After a nap, I got online to find out a little more about my condition. My doctor is very nice and uses very nice words sometimes and medical words I do not hear everyday. I researched the things I was told and found that I actually had two tumors (benign, thankfully) that were removed in my lower abdomen, not just "blister things" like I was telling everyone else (the doctor did not tell me I had blisters--I said that because that is how I interpreted what I was told). The tumors were pushing up against other organs in my tummy, therefore causing a lot of pain and nausea along with the other scaring and lesions found.
Wow...2 tumors...no wonder I was in so much pain. And it only took a month and a half and 2 appendicitis scares to figure it out.

Pet Peeve of the Day: The neighbor's cigarette smoke stinking up my house.
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